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Sample Storytelling Campaign: Change Lanes to Pass

In 2015, Melody created the social media campaign, "Change Lanes to Pass", that included resources, poster, video and "Wear Yellow Day"mobilizing over 2,000 people across the state in less than 3 weeks.  The campaign was featured in the keynote address "Using Social Media for Social Change" at the Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) Conference in Portland, Oregon.  
Every nonprofit organization needs to be able to tell a compelling story. We want to help you better tell that story. 
Reasons for a good story: 
Remind your supporters why the work you do is important
Build a loyal audience that can easily tell others what you do
Gain followers on social media
Gain a way to get information out quickly
Create a messaging standard for staff and board to communicate 
Inspire others to take action and grow your work 
Contact me to help you get started today! 


Tell your story: 



Change minds. Stir others to action. Grow your cause.
Let's work together to better tell your story.
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